After enjoying several days of beautiful weather in our small country, we can say that we are quite content.
The weather has been extremely pleasant for those who are currently enjoying a well-deserved vacation in their own country.
The beaches and terraces are getting busier with the rising temperatures, but unfortunately, the weather is about to change.
The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) has issued a code yellow for this afternoon and evening due to severe weather conditions.
Residents of Noord-Brabant, Utrecht, Limburg, and Gelderland should prepare for severe thunderstorms, strong winds, hail, and possible flooding.
KNMI warns that these provinces will face severe thunderstorms this afternoon, accompanied by gusty winds, heavy rain, and hail.
1. Code geel zal ingaan vanaf 17.00 uur en geldig blijven tot middernacht.
2. Er kan in deze provincies binnen korte tijd veel regen vallen.
3. De windsnelheden kunnen oplopen tot maar liefst 75 kilometer per uur!
4. Een waarschuwing is uitgegeven door het KNMI voor deze provincies.
5. Vanwege de verwachte zware weersomstandigheden is er een waarschuwing afgegeven!