Presenting a new perspective, the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet has shed light on the Joost Klein case, differing from the stories previously published by AvroTros.
According to Aftonbladet, an incident involved a young female photographer whose camera was damaged by Klein’s actions.
An anonymous yet highly credible source, as stated by Aftonbladet, described Klein’s behavior as “highly aggressive,” a sentiment echoed by several witnesses.
Further details from the Swedish publication indicated that the photographer was part of the production team. “She has been offered help and support, and reportedly, she is quite shaken by the incident”, the source reported.
The source added that the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) deemed the incident serious enough to take appropriate action.
Direct na Klein’s optreden in de halve finale op donderdag, vond het incident plaats zoals gemeld door Aftonbladet.
Meerdere getuigen nabij het podium beschouwden Klein’s gedrag als aanstootgevend vanwege de gebeurtenis.
Dit leidde tot beschadiging van de camera van de fotografe als gevolg van het incident, waardoor het verhaal nog complexer werd.
Dit verhaal werpt een nieuwe blik op de kwestie….